AI in Media & Broadcast – Professional Essentials Guide

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time by providing a starting point, enabling

them to focus on refining narratives and

visuals rather than working from scratch.

This not only accelerates production but el-

evates the quality of the final product.

Another critical application of AI is in

content adaptation. As audiences consume

media across platforms — social media,

streaming, and mobile apps — AI tools can

automatically tailor content for specific dis-

tribution points. This ensures media orga-

nizations extend their reach while keeping

pace with diverse audience preferences.

A strategy for growth

AI’s value extends beyond streamlining

workflows. By automating time-consuming

processes, AI enables editorial teams to fo-

cus on what truly matters: creative storytell-

ing and audience engagement. The result is

a more agile production process that allows

teams to respond to fast-moving news cy-

cles and evolving audience demands.

In addition, AI maximizes the value of

existing content libraries by uncovering un-

derutilized assets. By making archives more

accessible and adaptable, media companies

can repurpose content across platforms

and uncover new revenue opportunities.

Looking ahead

As the media industry continues to

evolve, AI will play a critical role in shaping

its future. Companies that embrace AI for

content discovery and workflow efciency

will gain a clear competitive advantage —

creating higher-quality content faster and

engaging audiences more efectively.

Ultimately, AI is more than just a tool

for improving efciency; it’s a foundation

for innovation. By freeing editorial teams

from manual processes, AI empowers

them to tell better stories, reach wider

audiences, and unlock the full potential of

their content.

For media organizations willing to em-

brace its transformative power, AI rep-

resents a clear pathway to smarter, faster,

and more impactful content creation. 

Sam Peterson is the Chief Operating

Ofcer at Bitcentral, overseeing teams

that develop and support innovative media

workflow solutions used by broadcast

sites worldwide. With nearly 35 years of

industry experience, he is dedicated to

fostering collaboration, innovation, and

customer-focused solutions that empower

Bitcentral’s customers.

Continued from previous page


Editor in Chief, NewscastStudio

Artificial intelligence continues to re-

shape broadcast technology, moving be-

yond theoretical applications to practical

implementations across production work-


In this first installment of a three-part

Industry Insights roundtable, technology

vendors and solutions providers examine

the current state of AI in broadcast.

The discussion explores real-world ap-

plications such as automated captioning,

content tagging and live production assis-

tance. Participants address the opportuni-

ties and challenges facing broadcasters as

they integrate AI tools, from infrastructure

requirements to staf training needs. The

conversation also looks ahead to emerging

AI applications in accessibility, language

translation and workflow optimization.

It’s been a wild year of AI advancements.

Where are we today? How do those apply

to broadcasters and production?

Siddarth Gupta, principal engineer,

Interra Systems:  Over the past year, AI

has made remarkable strides in natural

language processing (NLP), image gener-

ation, and real-time analytics, all of which

continue to reshape how content is pro-

duced and delivered. Broadcasters can

now automate routine tasks like editing,

captioning, and highlight creation, freeing

staf to focus on higher-level storytelling.

As a result, production cycles are faster,

more data driven, and better aligned with

evolving audience preferences.

Bob Caniglia, director of sales oper-

ations, Americas, Blackmagic Design:

While AI was certainly a headline grab-

bing news item this year and has some

far reaching implications, it’s important to

look at how it has already been used for

years to see where it has potential to go. By

leveraging AI-driven tools in post produc-

tion, such as noise reduction, audio classi-

fication, smart reframing, and automated

transcription, broadcasters have achieved

faster edits, precision in storytelling, and

seamless multi-platform content repur-

posing for traditional and social media.

These advancements not only improve

operational efciency but also inspire cre-

ative possibilities, reshaping how broad-

cast teams approach content creation.

Zeenal Thakare, SVP, enterprise solu-

tions architecture, Ateliere: The appli-

cation of these technologies is going to

speed up workflows by automating script-

ing, generating content and dynamically

building programming slots. In addition,

live production will be revolutionized by

automating many technical aspects, mak-

ing content reach the audience in a faster

and more enhanced manner. Another big

part of broadcast production is accessibil-

ity — leveraging AI to generate real-time

transcriptions in multiple languages and

Where we stand now with AI

for broadcasting, production

Continued on next page


• Automation: AI technologies now handle

routine broadcast tasks including caption-

ing, metadata tagging, and content index-

ing, allowing staf to focus on creative work.

• Infrastructure: Organizations face signifi-

cant barriers in AI adoption, including high

implementation costs, technical infra-

structure requirements, and the need for

specialized expertise.

• Live Production: AI enhances live broad-

casts through automated camera tracking,

real-time analytics, and automated quality

control systems.

• Integration: Successfully implementing

AI requires careful assessment of existing

system compatibility and comprehensive

staf training programs.

• Development: Future AI applications in

broadcasting focus on improving accessibil-

ity features, expanding language transla-

tion capabilities, and automating content

creation processes.


Artificial intelligence was a focal point

at the International Broadcasting Con-

vention 2024, with industry profession-

als eager to explore its practical applica-

tions in media and entertainment.

As the technology matures, discus-

sions are shifting from potential use

cases to real-world implementations

that deliver tangible benefits across the

broadcast ecosystem. With AI spend in

media projected to reach $13 billion by

2028, according to Omdia, the industry

is seeking clarity on how to harness AI’s

potential most efectively.

From hype to reality

The buzz around AI at trade shows has

been building, but 2024 marks a turning

point. Industry professionals are eager

to move beyond hypothetical use cases

and see tangible results.

The transition from theory to prac-

tice is not just a matter of curiosity but

a business imperative. As media com-

panies face pressure to deliver more

content across multiple platforms while

controlling costs, AI ofers a potential

solution to enhance efciency and pro-


Practical applications across

the media supply chain

As AI technology evolves, its applica-

tions in media and entertainment are be-

coming more diverse and sophisticated.

These applications span the entire

content lifecycle, from creation to dis-

tribution and audience engagement.

In content creation, AI tools enhance

creative processes by assisting with

scriptwriting, storyboarding and even

generating realistic visual efects. In

post-production, AI algorithms stream-

line editing workflows, automate color

correction and improve audio quality.

These applications represent just

the tip of the iceberg. As AI technology

continues to evolve, its potential uses in

broadcasting are expanding rapidly.

From hype to implementation

These AI-powered tools are particu-

larly valuable in news production envi-

ronments, where speed and accuracy

are paramount. Automated transcription

and content search capabilities enable

journalists and producers to quickly sift

through large volumes of footage and

identify relevant clips, significantly re-

ducing production time.

This shift toward implementation

brings with it new challenges and con-

siderations for broadcasters. As they

move from pilot projects to full-scale

deployments, issues of integration, scal-

ability and return on investment come to

the fore.

Balancing innovation, practicality

As AI technology evolves rapidly, me-

dia companies face challenges in efec-

tively adopting these tools. The fast pace

of development in AI raises concerns

about investing in solutions that may

quickly become obsolete.

Efciency and cost-efectiveness

One of the key drivers behind AI adop-

tion in the broadcast industry is the

potential for increased efciency and


AI-powered automation can signifi-

cantly reduce manual labor in content

tagging, quality control and compli-

ance-checking tasks. This speeds up

workflows and allows human resources

to be redirected towards more creative

and strategic tasks.

This vision of AI-augmented creativity

raises intriguing questions about the fu-

ture of content production and the role

of human creators in an increasingly au-

tomated landscape. It also points to the

potential for AI to democratize content

creation, enabling smaller production

companies and individual creators to

produce high-quality content at scale. 


IBC explores how

AI hype can lead to

practical solutions

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